Biz Kimiz
Dogu Law Firm - Interlegal, is a general practice law firm in Turkey, focusing on all aspects of law with priority to maritime, transport and commercial law.
Dogu Law Office was found in 1996, by Mr. Mehmet Sıtkı Doğu who has been providing services to the maritime industry in Turkey and abroad for over thirty years and has been providing legal services to foreign and Turkish companies and real persons.
Deniz Ticareti Hukuku
Taking part in the shipping industry for generations, Dogu Law has been providing legal services
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Insurance is one of the most important element in the economy providing foreseeability
Daha Fazlası Daha FazlasıTaşımacılık ve Lojistik
Efficient transportation requires analysis of the best route as well as low-cost packaging
Daha Fazlası Daha FazlasıUluslararası Ticaret
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international
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Dogu Law Office has been providing excellent law services to local and foreign clients in Maritime Law, International Trade, Logistics, Insurance Law and many other fields of Law not only in Turkey but all around the globe.
Doğu Hukuk
Dogu Law Office has been providing excellent law services to local and foreign clients in Maritime Law, International Trade, Logistics, Insurance Law and many other fields of Law not only in Turkey but all around the globe.
Taşıyanın yükleme ve boşaltma süreleri dışında eklenen bu ek süreye sürastarya denilmektedir.
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Navlun sözleşmesi, en genel anlamıyla denizde eşya taşıma sözleşmesidir.
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